• MNC Group Efforts to Support Economic Equity in Rural and Disadvantaged Areas

    24 Oct 2024, 17:51 WIB

    MNC Group, through MNC Peduli, inaugurated a new social activity program in synergy with the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy and philanthropic institutions.

    MNC Group's social activities are allocated based on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and will be synergized with these two institutions to increase economic activities in remote areas such as rural areas, underdeveloped and isolated areas.

    JAKARTA - MNC Group, through MNC Peduli, inaugurated a new social activity program in synergy with the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy and philanthropic institutions.

    MNC Group's social activities are allocated based on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and will be synergized with these two institutions to increase economic activities in remote areas such as rural areas, underdeveloped and isolated areas.

    MNC Group Executive Chairman Hary Tanoesoedibjo explained that the CSR social activities carried out by the MNC Group through MNC Peduli are focused on aid to victims of natural disasters, education, health and development of Indonesian infrastructure.

    "When we talk about CSR, the main goal of every company is to create harmony between business and social. This activity must be known to the public that we also prioritize social welfare, not just business profits," explained the man who is often known to HT in his speech, Wednesday (16/10 /2024).

    Hary Tanoe said that his party is currently initiating collaboration and synergy in CSR activities with various stakeholders, especially the government and companies, who want to be involved in it. The activity in question was inaugurated at the 2024 CSR National Synergy event which was held on Wednesday, October 16 2024 at the MNC Conference Hall, iNews Tower.

    "We want to invite all companies and stakeholders to collectively unite and carry out CSR activities. So private and government budgets can be bigger for social activities because of joint collaboration," explained HT.

    Furthermore, Deputy General Chairperson of MNC Peduli, Jessica Tanoesoedibjo, said that the national CSR synergy, or abbreviated as SINAR, is a joint initiative so that corporations and the government can jointly implement CSR.

    Jessica emphasized that the initiation of collaboration on joint CSR activities is expected to become mutual cooperation work together to provide a contribution that has a greater impact.

    "This collaborative partnership activity between corporations, government and philanthropic institutions is aimed at being able to carry out CSR activities that have a greater impact on society," explained Jessica.

    Jessica emphasized that the SINAR collaboration will prioritize CSR activities targeting infrastructure development throughout rural or remote areas of Indonesia.

    "By focusing CSR on infrastructure development, it can have a big impact because of access to roads, electricity, clean water, information, it can contribute to more sustainable development," he said.

    Meanwhile, representing the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Airlangga Hartarto, also present was the Deputy for Macroeconomic and Financial Coordination of the Indonesian Coordinating Ministry for the Economy, Ferry Irawan.

    Ferry said the government appreciates the initiation of the SINAR program, which goes hand in hand with the government program.

    "If this program can be supported by all other companies, development support from the private sector for this government program can run better, especially in terms of equitable national development," said Ferry.

    It is known that the CSR Gathering activity with the theme National Synergy CSR Indonesia Forward was attended by various business people and philanthropic institutions in Indonesia, it is hoped that they can collaborate to provide an integrated program to improve community welfare.

    CSR collaboration activities in national infrastructure development encourage the role of business actors and philanthropic activities in Indonesia to be able to synergize and collaborate in social activities. This also emphasizes the infrastructure sector which can have a positive impact on the wider community, especially underprivileged communities and business actors themselves.

    Source: economy.okezone.com